The self-centering only V5 vice is added to the IMG range with an excellent quality-price ratio, ideal for multi-vice integrated automation systems.
SinterGrip jaws: reversible jaws for minimum clamping depth and without pre-machining
Mechanical clamping. Totally protected screw. The large power transmission allows high performance in the manufacturing process
Interface For Zero Point clamping systems and Plus5 52 / 96
Ideal For automation and palletizing systems
Totally protected screw
Basic jaws, without Sintergrip inserts
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Officina Meccanica Lombarda s.r.l. Viale dell’Industria, 6 (Via delle Querce for load and pick-up)27020 Trivolzio (PV) - ITALYTel. +39 0382 93 00 00 - EmailVAT 00468440185
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